Federating Azure AD Users Accessing AWS

  1. Assign Azure AD Users to AWS IAM Role, in Azure AD Portal select Users and groups

Federating Azure AD Users accessing AWS

  1. Select Add user/group

Federating Azure AD Users accessing AWS

Note: For AWS Roles to show up in the next step, you may have to wait 5-10 minutes. And to use the feature of assigning AWS IAM Roles to Azure by Group, you need to upgrade your Azure plan.

  1. In the Add Assignment page
  • Select Users, a list of Users will appear on the right

Federating Azure AD Users accessing AWS

  1. Select the user name (eg AWScloud-1) and select Select

Federating Azure AD Users accessing AWS

  1. In the Select a role section, select None Select to select the User Role AWScloud-1
  2. Select EC2RoleFull
  3. Select Select

Federating Azure AD Users accessing AWS

  1. Select Assign

Federating Azure AD Users accessing AWS

  1. You iterate and assign User AWScloud-2 to S3RoleFull.

Federating Azure AD Users accessing AWS

So you have created a user in Azure AD and connected to AWS through the Identity Provider.