Sync AWS IAM Roles on AWS via Azure

So we have 02 roles on AWS federate to the Azure AD we created (Firstcloudjourney). In this step, we have granted permission to 02 roles but have not synced these Roles through Azure AD.

Roles created:

  • S3RoleFull (AmazonS3FullAccess)
  • EC2RoleFull (AmazonEC2FullAccess)
  1. Create User Federating Access, open Identity and Access Management (IAM) interface
  2. Select Users on the left menu

AWS IAM Role Azure

  1. Select Add users

AWS IAM Role Azure

  1. In Add user
  • User name, enter federating
  1. In Select AWS access type, select Access key - Programmatic access

  2. Select Next:Permissions

AWS IAM Role Azure

  1. Select Create policy

AWS IAM Role Azure

  1. In Service select IAM

AWS IAM Role Azure

  1. In Specify the actions allowed in IAM, find and select ListRoles

  2. Select Next:Tags

AWS IAM Role Azure

  1. Select Next: Review

AWS IAM Role Azure

  1. In Review policy
  • Name, enter ListRoles
  • Description, enter ListRoles
  1. Select Create Policy

AWS IAM Role Azure

  1. Assign ListRoles to User federating
  • Go back to the User tab to continue selecting the Policy for the federating user we were creating in the previous step.
  • Select ListRoles
  1. Select Next: Tags

AWS IAM Role Azure

  1. Select Next: Review

AWS IAM Role Azure

  1. Check again and Select Create user

AWS IAM Role Azure

  1. Create a successful user

AWS IAM Role Azure

You will get the Access key ID and Secret access key in this step. We will use this Keys to declare in Azure AD. You can copy this key to use for the next step.